LinkedIn as a Strategic PR Channel in 2025 PRmoment Leaders

Twitter 101

If you are interested in taking part in this training, please email to find out upcoming dates and availability.

Format: Our online courses take the form of an interactive 90 minute, live webinar tutorial.

How attendees will benefit:
This seminar introduces attendees to Twitter, the fastest-growing and most talked-about social network of the past year. Twitter is a microblog service launched in 2006 which exploded in popularity in the past year, causing marketers and communicators all over the world to take notice.

Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how to get the most out of Twitter themselves and will be well-versed in case studies demonstrating
successful PR & marketing campaigns that leveraged Twitter.

Who should attend:
PR professionals who are new to social media in general and Twitter in particular, as well as those who know Twitter but want a better understanding of how to leverage it on behalf of their clients.

What attendees will learn:
• What Twitter is

• Antecedents of Twitter

• Case studies (good & bad) in Twitter campaigns

• The Golden Rules of using Twitter for campaigns

• Getting the most out of Twitter  yourself

Attendees should bring a laptop if possible- it will be used towards the end of the seminar.

Further payment information:

The cost of each individual course is $US 60 when paying online. If you are booking more than 5 courses, and wish to be invoiced, please email If you would like to opt for the Online Certificate, the online payment cost is US$745. Again, if you prefer to be invoiced, please contact

 If you have problems booking this course please call our booking hotline number 00 44 1962 832542 or email To check the price of this course in rupees, there is a currency converter at the bottom of the page.

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