Format: Our online courses take the form of an interactive 90 minute, live webinar tutorial.
Why this course is useful:
Every PR campaign today must have a social media element it seems. But while social media has few barriers to entry, being successful in this area is a whole different ball game! Even though social media is a “relatively” new medium for PR, the fi eld is already littered with brands, services and organisations that have failed horribly and, often, spectacularly - damaging their reputation and the perceptions of their target audiences beyond repair.
And more often than not it is because they did not know the rules of the social media platform - for understanding the social media etiquette is the key to unlocking this powerful form of conversational PR.
This webinar shows you the social media etiquette to follow, provides you with the rules of the road and key tips to harnessing a following that will not only interact with you but become advocates for you and your message.
How attendees will benefit:
By understanding what the expectations of the audience are in the social media field and creating a set of guidelines that will ensure the all-important “conversations” and traction required to make social media a powerful platform for your brand, service or organisation. By ensuring that the common mistakes and misperceptions are avoided and learning how to adopt a conversational tone of voice that gives your brand or organisation a personality.
What attendees will learn:
• What etiquette applies to which platform - be it forums, chat rooms, Facebook, Linkedin or YouTube
• How to converse in the social media world as a brand talking to an individual
• How to harness the power of viral communications by creating advocates
• How to intervene in conversations that are portraying inaccuracies about your brand
• And to do that without off ending the group or individual
• Top tips for your brand to live by when in the social media field
• Knowing what tone of voice and personality best suits your organisation
• Understanding the “unwritten” social laws of the social media field
Further payment information:
The cost of each individual course is $US 60 when paying online. If you are booking more than 5 courses, and wish to be invoiced, please email If you would like to opt for the Online Certificate, the online payment cost is US$745. Again, if you prefer to be invoiced, please contact
If you have problems booking this course please call our booking hotline number 00 44 1962 832542 or email To check the price of this course in rupees, there is a currency converter at the bottom of the page.
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