, a self-serve influencer marketing startup for brands, has successfully closed its seed round of Rs. 5 crores. The funding round was led by Venture Catalysts along with several marquee entrepreneurs including Samrath Bedi, managing director of Forest Essentials, Sandeep Aggarwal of, Aakrit Vaish, co-founder of Haptik, and Haresh Hingorani chief creative officer of Redchillies VFX.
The AI-driven influencer marketing platform is founded by Kunal Kishore Sinha (Co-Founder of Value 360 Communications), Sagar Pushp (Former Head of Digital Media at Cheil India), and filmmaker Anshai Lal. aims to provide an AI-driven Influencer marketing platform that helps brands in making their influencer marketing campaigns more data and result oriented. is an AI-enabled platform that allows brands to scale their influencer marketing efforts by bringing discovery, management, and performance analytics all in one system. Through targeted searches and customisable analytics, marketers are able to identify and partner with more relevant influencers. offers 30 different parameters to quantify the suitability and reach of each influencer.
The platform further empowers smaller influencers to engage with larger brands, thereby democratising the process for everyone. Setting the competitive aspects aside, - the influencer marketplace- seeks to collaborate with all stakeholders, including individual influencers, talent hubs, agencies, and brands by bringing them onto a single platform.
Speaking on the investment, Dr. Apoorva Ranjan Sharma, co-founder and president, Venture Catalysts, said “The global influencer market is valued at 9 billion USD and expected to touch 24 Billion USD by 2025. With pandemic giving boost to digital adoption, we are confident that people-to-people marketing will become a mainstream marketing tool. We are excited to become a part of the’s journey into a fiscally disciplined SaaS business that will solve fundamental problems of this growing industry.”
Adding further Sagar Pushp, Co-Founder & CEO, said, “India has a thriving community of influencers, wherein digital natives are joining from all parts of the country. I strongly believe that this community has an enormous potential that is still untapped. It will do considerably well if provided the right push and proper industry support. A dedicated AI-driven Influencer marketing and collaboration platform is our take to offer the same.”
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