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Torque Communications launches E-Commerce PR Start-Up Kit

Torque Communications has unveiled a PR Start-Up Kit designed specifically for e-commerce firms seeking to build their brand recall.

The agency is using its experience to select a range of products that aim to help companies, of varying size, grow.

The kits include a ‘Do-it-yourself’ pack, a short duration PR booster program, media engagement training and crisis communication and investor engagement packages. There is also an option for the e-commerce companies to join a program that aims to help them build their business network.

All of the packs have been designed to suit different budgets and formats.

“Most ecommerce companies – big and small – are high on reach, focussed on building customer base and wafer thin on reputation.  Shops are getting set up without too much attention to key facets of customer behaviour – trust, confidence and credibility – despite very large amounts being spent. E-commerce firms also tend to focus too much on owned media over earned media – digital, mobile and offline. The most likely consequence will be a domino effect which squashes everyone when a category takes a hit. This was quite evident during the wipe out of app based cab services where customers saw no distinction between different service providers despite the high decibel advertising and huge digital engagement. The Torque Start-Up kit will help companies calibrate their brand reputation in tune with their brand reach,” says Supriyo Gupta, CEO, Torque Communications.

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