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Rahul Gandhi ups his campaign efforts

As the Lok Sabha elections get ever closer, Rahul Gandhi; Congress Vice President has appointed Dentsu India and Genesis Burson Marsteller in India to back his political PR efforts.

Dentsu India, a Japanese advertising and public relations company who will handle the Congress Party’s Rs. 500-crore advertising budget, aims to portray Gandhi as a young and aspirational leader.

Dentsu is said to be preparing a large campaign focusing on the concept of “empowering the common man” in the run up to the elections set to take place in April-May 2014.

PR firm Burson Marsteller has also been appointed to cover the social media aspects of Gandhi’s political drive. Reports say that they will ensure Rahul’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are regularly updated and overall visibility is kept high.

Prema Sagar, founder, Genesis Burson-Marsteller, India said: “We confirm that Burson-Marsteller has been engaged to provide counsel to senior leaders of the Congress Party as part of an exercise that also involves other communications and research companies.”

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