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PRmoment launches first event in India

I'm really pleased to announce the launch of PRmoment’s first conference in India.

The PRmoment conference model is to create insightful and engaging content in a fast-paced and informative environment. We take specific niche areas and build speaker programs around them.

PRmoment events place a high emphasis on senior in house speakers and because we make sure the presentations are short and impactful, our conferences are always morning only – so you can get back to your day job after lunch.

Our first conference in India will ask "How can Brands in India Engage with Millennialsand will take place in Delhi on April 30th

Speakers confirmed include:

Deepa Thomas, Head - Corporate Communications, of eBay
Paroma Chowdhury, Director & Country Head, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs from Google
Dr. Ranjit Nair
, CEO, Germin8
Mahesh Murthy, Founder at Pinstorm,
Gopal Sathe from NDTV
Gayatri Rath Director Corporate Communications & Citizenship, Microsoft
Deepak Jolly,
Vice President - Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola India

Tickets cost only 2000 rupees per delegate at the early booking rate. You can book your tickets or see the full program here

I’ll be chairing the event and I hope to meet as many of you at the conference as possible.

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