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PRmoment India launches ‘Authentic Storytelling’ event

PRmoment India has recently launched its ‘Authentic Storytelling: PR as a Content Creator’ event. The stellar line-up and interesting topics looks set to make the conference one to attend.

PRmoment India Founder, Ben Smith, tells us all we need to know:

Why have we launched the events?

We have launched the ‘Authentic Storytelling’ event in India because, despite the fact that PR has changed massively in recent years, storytelling goes right to the heart of good communications.

This topic is really interesting because PR has increased in scope to beyond just media relations to incorporate social, digital and community management. Within this context the types of stories that companies are creating have changed in recent years.

What makes PRmoment India events different?

Unlike most other PR conferences PRmoment events place a very high value on hearing from senior in-house communicators. There are very few agency speakers at PRmoment events.

We have nothing against agency speakers, we just think for detailed case study insights nothing beats a client side perspective.

In addition you’ll see that each speaker talks for around 30 minutes as we don’t believe in long sessions. PRmoment events are short, intense, learning experiences.

What we hope you will learn?

I think the headline act is that you will take away a whole range of learning points, where you have gained the perspective of senior in-house communications leaders working at some of the biggest brands in India. You will then be able to apply these insights into your day-to-day campaigns.

Needless to say we designed the program to incorporate numerous Q&A sessions and networking opportunities so it is very much a two way learning process.

To register now for the event see here: Authentic Storytelling: PR as a Content Creator

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