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Prema Sagar joins Burson-Marsteller Advantage Women Global Leadership Team

Burson-Marsteller today announced a new service offering, "Burson-Marsteller Advantage Women", which will help clients to close the gender gap at work.  Prema Sagar, vice chair, Burson-Marsteller, Asia Pacific & principal/founder, Genesis Burson-Marsteller, will join its global leadership team which includes senior women executives from all major regions. This includes EMA, Africa, the US and Latin America.

“The role of women across every sector is growing dramatically, as it should,” said Donald A. Baer, Worldwide Chair and CEO, Burson-Marsteller. “In managing change within their organizations, in reaching out to all their stakeholders and in building strong reputations, all companies and other entities are increasingly communicating with and about women."

Burson-Marsteller Advantage Women will help put in place change communication programmes as well as  structure internal and external PR campaigns centred around increasing the leadership of women. These campaigns will be based on hard data developed through internal capabilities through Penn Schoen Berland and Burson-Marsteller StudioB.

There is a gaping gender gap in India at work, starting from basic employment all the way up to senior leaderhip. As per the latest Global Gender Gap index prepared by the World Economic Forum, In 2015, India ranked a shocking 108 out of the 45 countries on the index. The 2016 ILO report " Women at Work: Trends 2016", reported that if women employment rates in India matched those of men, India's GDP would rise by a whopping 27%.

Recent comments by actors in Bollywood have helped to highlight the gender parity in pay. Ironically, the statement that got maximum attention was by Bollywood's male superstar, Shahrukh Khan.

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