PR parables was an outcome of a gentle yet persistent nudge from a young fellow colleague at work. Thanks to her and to all of you readers and well wishers, willy nilly, I ended up sharing my life's PR stories and the lessons I learnt . We learnt.
Learning through lessons in life is always memorable and I think it is a lot of fun too.
And now we will be looking at curating your stories on PR Parables, the whole idea is to create a rich content of learning the various "how to's " in PR, so that we communicators and our extended communities have access to a live content created by PR practitioners and be able to emulate learnings from situations that have a way of teaching us.
And this is where we bring you in, starting from next month, I and PRmoment India, will be sharing the theme of the PR stories and lessons. Based on the theme you could share the experience you have had.
The theme for November is handling challenging journalists.
You may choose not to reveal names or use fictitious ones. The idea is to share the lesson learned from what you or your team went through. Yes, credits will do us all good; we as an industry can do with more and nothing like the fraternity recognising its’ fellow colleagues, clients, communication agencies and companies.
Together, we as a community of expert communicators, will start creating and shaping the most unique platform of learning. For us and for the future generations of communicators.
Stay tuned, and tell us what you feel about this idea, do take this as your platform to speak out and speak up.
Moushumi Dutt is a senior corporate communications professional based in NCR
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