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Indian CEOs are amongst the most powerful in society, reveals research

Burson Marsteller, in partnership with CNBC, has unveiled the results of ‘The Corporate Perception Indicator: A Global Survey from Main Street to the Executive Suite’.

The study, which was conducted with Penn Schoen Berland, with a sample developed by Kantar, found that 87% of Indian business leaders believe corporations have become more socially responsible over the past decade.

It also found that Indian's look to CEO’s as amongst the top most powerful and respected in society, giving them a position of leadership.

80% of the Indian general public who were asked also agreed that corporations should have an obligation to provide retirement benefits to employees.

These finding reflect interviews within 25 markets, with 25,000 individuals in the general public and 18,000 senior corporate executives.

Commenting on the survey, Prema Sagar, Principal and Founder, Genesis Burson-Marsteller said, “We are happy to see that the Indian public and business leaders believe that corporations are playing a positive role in job creation, economic growth and especially in social responsibility. The CEOs role in communication is pivotal today, as people view them as most powerful and respected people in society.”

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