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India ahead of US in consuming content on tablets

The latest “Content Consumption Trends Report”, by Outbrain, shows that India is the most engaged market when it comes to consuming content on tablets, overtaking even the U.S. It is also one of the most engaged markets for consumption on smartphones, along with Japan.

India’s consumption pattern by device:

Android users lead content consumption in India
Predictably, the Indian market is dominated by Android users, where a staggering 76% of the overall content consumed on smartphones is consumed on an Android device – second only to Malaysia. Nevertheless, iPhone still enjoys its best engagement rates in a number of key markets such as Australia, Japan, the U.K. and US:

Daily Content Consumption by Device - India
In India, the humble PC is still the dominant platform for consuming content from 10:00-5:00 PM, peaking at 2:00 PM. The smartphone dominates as the core content consumption platform from 7:00-8:00 PM, when people are normally on their way home, and overtakes the PC from 7:00 PM- 12.00 AM. Content consumption trends on tablets are similar to that of smartphone because of its mobility:

Most popular topics
The report also shows that investing, mobile, education and relationships, nutrition and gaming systems are top topics of interest across various verticals:

Outbrain’s report was based on data collated from across its global media network between October 1 to December 31, 2014 and provides an insight into the minds of online content consumers and covers other mature markers such as Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, UK and the U.S.

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