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Goldman Sachs appoints Weber Shandwick India as its PR firm

Weber Shandwick started work with Goldman Sachs in India starting today. The global investment banking, securities and investment management firm has been serving Indian clients since the early 1990s and established an onshore presence in India in December 2006 following a ten-year joint venture.

Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs led a US $100 million funding round for mobile food delivery service in India ‘Foodpanda’ .

Weber has won this account under the leadership of its new CEO Valerie Pinto, who moved from Perfect Relation to Weber in January this year.

Goldman Sachs is also active in private equity and principal investing in India, deploying more than US$2 billion in capital since 2006. In addition, the firm's 5,400-person Bangalore office provides critical support and service functions for Goldman Sachs around the world. 

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