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Genesis Burson Marsteller launches STEP UP initiative

Genesis Burson Marsteller has announced the launch of STEP UP – an initiative aimed at start-ups and investor networks.

STEP UP hopes to help young companies reach out to their audience using both traditional and digital formats. The service will offer customised branding, partnerships and media engagement while offering a full communication strategy.

The initiative will be run by PRO’s with experience in dealing with start-ups, and will be offered to clients ranging from Consumer, Technology, Health and Wellness and Corporate sectors.

Atul Sharma, India Lead, Step Up said: “In the last few years, the Indian start-up environment has made a mark on the global entrepreneurial map by producing unique and globally relevant propositions. Being noticed by the right audience can make a great difference to a young company’s journey. This unique initiative by Genesis Burson-Marsteller, Step Up, aims at empowering these innovative start-ups to create a space for themselves in an otherwise cluttered market. We are looking to create the next ‘whatsapp’ story in India! ”

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