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Genesis Burson Marsteller is named official communication partners for TedxGateway 2014

TedxGateway 2014, an independently organised conference, has appointed Genesis Burson Marsteller as their communications partner in a bid to build momentum for the one day event.

GBM hopes to position TED as the leading conference in the country, using national and regional media as part of their communications strategy.

The conference, which is due to take place at the National Centre Performing Arts (NCPA) IN Mumbai on November 2nd 2014, will focus on an ‘Ideas worth Spreading’ theme.

The event will welcome over 25 speakers from India and around the world, to speak about their world changing ideas.

Speakers include, Arsh Shah Dilbagi, a 16 year old Google Science Fair Finalist; Ramesh Raskar who is an Associate Professor and head of the MIT Media Lab’s Camera Culture; Ramanan Laxminarayan, a Drug Resistance Economist; Ram Subramanian, Film Maker, Founder, Handloom Pictures; Graham Hill, Journalist and Founder of and LifeEdited; Naresh Narsimhan and Adam Magyar, among many others.

TEDxGateway 2014, Prema Sagar, Principal and Founder, Genesis B-M, said: “We are proud of our association with TEDxGateway, a melting pot of creativity, ideation and most importantly, change. We are always looking to expand our repertoire of experience and TED provides us a unique communications opportunity. The prospect of helping TED lead conversations around a range of subjects and establish itself as a science and technology led social movement, excites us.”

“We believe that Genesis BM is best equipped to build the right kind of talkability about the 5th edition of TEDxGateway Conference,” said Yashraj S. Akashi, Senior Ambassador, TEDx India Curator, TEDxGateway.

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