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Consumers in India feel it is OK to share streaming login details: YouGov report

Last month, Netflix announced its first net loss in subscribers in over a decade, and subsequently warned that a password sharing clampdown is imminent. But what do consumers in APAC feel about sharing login details for such streaming services? Latest data from YouGov Global Profiles – – reveals that consumers in India (41%), Thailand (36%) and Vietnam (34%) are most likely out of 12 major APAC markets to say it is okay to share their streaming service login details with anyone they want to.

Conversely, more than half of consumers in Japan (55%), Hong Kong (53%) and Australia (52%) think it is not okay to share their login details, as do 47% of Singapore’s consumers.

Among APAC consumers aged 18-44 years, about three in ten (29-30%) think it is acceptable to share their streaming accounts. The same is more or less true for 45-54-year-olds, with close to three in ten (28%) agreeing, although more think streaming account sharing is not acceptable (36%).

But consumers aged 55 years or older are much less likely to be fine with sharing streaming subscriptions – just under one in five (19%) are – while almost half (48%) disagree with this practice.

When it comes to group subscriptions, consumers in India are also more likely than any other major APAC market to think that video and music streaming services should offer more of them – over three in five (62%) say so – as do more than half of consumers in Vietnam (57%), Philippines (56%), Malaysia (57%), Singapore (57%) and Indonesia (54%).

A fewer two in five in China (41%) and one in six in Japan (16%) would like to see more group subscription options for streaming services.


 Data for each market uses a nationally representative sample, apart from India and UAE, which use urban representative samples, and China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, which use online representative samples.

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