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Auto blogger renders unconditional apology to Value 360 for defamatory posts

The auto blogger who had posted defamatory posts in July 2020 alleging attempt to influence him to take down negative posts about Value 360's client has rendered an unconditional apology:

The apology follows after Value 360 had taken legal action after the posts went live on Instagram. 

At that time, Kunal Kishore, founder director, Value 360 had told PRmoment India that, "We have filed a defamation suit against the person for fraudulently creating an email account in the name of our employee and posting fabricated content on social media, alleging that we offered him money for favourable coverage for one of our clients. In today’s day and age with the digital footprint that is left it is very easy for the police and court to identify if the email was actually sent by us or not. We have full faith in the justice system of our country and believe that truth will stand victorious, leading to strict punishment for the culprit."

In the apology submitted the auto blogger stated that, "After a thorough verification with the help of Value 360, wherein it has been found that the email was  not generated from the servers of Value 360, hence the said post from the Instagram account is withdrawn.

This is a rare example of a blogger submitting such an example after legal action taken by a PR firm. There have long been complaints about the lack of standards and ethics in the influencer market by both bloggers as well as PR firms. PErhaps this help empower brands, PR firms and influencers to set better, more authentic standars for content.


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