Prmoment India 30 Under 30 PRmoment Leaders PRmoment PR Masterclass: The intersection of data, planning and measurement

Aseem Sood of Impact appointed Co-Chair of Asia-Pacific Arm of AMEC

The move comes at a critical time in the maturation of the Indian Public Relations Industry with PR professionals taking ownership of larger business issues and also demanding a seat in the boardroom.

As a Co-Chair, Aseem Sood, CEO of Impact Research & Measurement, New Delhi, will share the Asian Pacific leadership responsibilities with Michael Ziviani, CEO of Precise Value, Sydney, Australia.

The appointment means that Indian communication professionals, PR Executives and Senior Strategists working in other below-the-line disciplines will have access to:

•    International standards for Social and Traditional media evaluation;
•    Leading evaluation thinking from practitioners from around the world;
•    A collaborative community of like-minded professionals;
•    An extensive array of professional training courses; and
•    Various topical forums and webinars. came to prominence in 2010 through the release of the Barcelona Principles  that eschewed the use of Advertising Value Equivalency as a metric.

AMEC’s Chairman, David Rockland, made the announcement saying: “We are delighted to have in Aseem and Michael  two leaders with an international reputation for communications research. More companies are clearly set to acknowledge the importance of measurement and analytics to demonstrate their investment in communications is working.”

Added Aseem, “PR measurement and research has never been more important. More and more Indian companies are increasing their resource allocation on PR activities. Not only are they demanding a good return on their investment, but are also expecting better insights to shape and support the core business. With AMEC, we plan to bring the international best practices to India.”

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