Prmoment India 30 Under 30 PRmoment Leaders PRmoment PR Masterclass: The intersection of data, planning and measurement

Aditya Ghosh, board member OYO Hotels & Homes speaks to PRmoment Weber Chai Talk podcast on communication priorities of the C-suite

When should a CEO communicate on social media?  What does the C-suite expect from their team of communicators? What business trends should communicators know about in 2020?

Aditya Ghosh, board members, OYO with Weber Shandwick's Nikhil Dey and PRmoment India

Continuing with the PRmoment India Weber Shandwick Chai Talk @5PM podcast series, Aditya Ghosh, board member OYO and former CEO of OYO Hotels & Homes South Asia, speaks about all these topics and more. He is joined by Nikhil Dey, vice-chairman, Weber Shandwick India who analyses his takeaways from the conversation.

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