As the Tata Group mandate switches from Edelman India to Adfactors PR, the latter has decided on its' team to lead the account. Reliable sources confirmed that a 6 member Adfactors PR team will lead the account. Among those in the team include, Shrikanth Srinivas, senior VP, public affairs, Dr. Pradeep Raje who heads the BFSI vertical. The BFSI vertical is the largest under one PR consultancy in India. Raje has also worked on the account when Tata hired Adfactors PR, through Rediffusion Edelman, to work on investor relations in November 2018. Other members of the team will include Vikram Kharvi, who heads the startup, tech and B2B practise and senior VP, Atul Takle.
Adfactors PR is also in the process of speaking to PR professionals to add to areas such as consumer.
Following the account win of one of Asia's largest PR accounts, all eyes are on Adfactors PR.
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