I moved over from agency to client-side thinking that perhaps life would become a touch easier. Less stress I thought …shorter hours. Boy was I wrong. So for all you agency bods out there who think you have it tough, take it from me, it’s no picnic on the client side either.
Here’s why:
1. Range of work: When I was at an agency I worked for dozens of different clients across different industries. Some clients were dull, others were interesting - I could take the rough with the smooth. Now everything is dull and there is no escape!
2. Freelance opps: When I left the agency, one option would have been to go freelance. But now I have far fewer contacts and my skills are becoming specialised, so the freelance option is looking less of a goer!.
3. Training: As there aren‘t many of us in the PR function, no one else in the organisation really appreciates what our needs are, such as specific training in areas including social media and digital strategies. So it's on the job training for us!
4. Resources: I thought it was hard getting money out of clients when I was agency side. But getting a budget for PR campaigns is even tougher internally.
5. Appreciation: When the company makes more money, no one belives the PR had anythng to do with it, when we're in the shite, it's the repuation of the business that's the problem...and guess who's fault that is!
6. Competition: You might think that internal comms people don’t have to pitch for business. Not so. We still have to pitch for work against outside agencies, the problem is that we don’t have the “glamour” (i.e., the wining-and-dining budgets) to impress our company chiefs, so they are easily dazzled by agencies.
7. Red tape: Working for such a large organisation means that there are a lot more forms to fill in. There is a form for everything, from ink cartridges to soap!
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