Sometimes life is tough in PR, such as when it‘s your turn to lead the client review meet, so you need a few bright moments to make it all worthwhile.
Here are a few small things that can help make my day:
1. The metro pulling in just as I arrive. A smooth commute home is always ideal.
2. Table space in your shared cabin. iPad out in front, coffee to the side – oh the joys! And if there is no one sitting next to me, it’s an extra bonus.
3. Wearing polished shoes. This is a rare occurrence, but I do seem to have an extra spring in my step if my shoes look snazzy.
4. Getting a sudden flurry of retweets. I know it sounds sad, but it makes me feel wanted.
5. Finding that my Marks and Spencer loyalty card is full. It means I can claim a free T shirt.
6. The client sending a thank you text or email. Makes it all worthwhile. When a journalist says thank you, that’s nice too. Strange, but nice.
7. Discovering the office biscuit tin has been restocked. With chocolate McVites.
8. Waking up before the alarm clock goes off. Five minutes early that is, not five hours. And there’s that lovely feeling when you wake up thinking you have to go to work, then realising it’s Saturday.
9. Finishing the Sudoku puzzle. If it’s the tough one, then I feel like a winner.
10. Being the first into the office. There’s something peaceful about having the office to yourself in the morning. But there’s no fun in working late on your own.
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