Okay guys, the weather has been quite warm lately, but there’s no need to strip off. Put it away, can’t you?
No one wants to see your hairy toes and knobbly knees. Plus, it’s not professional to go to meetings half dressed.
Here are some basic sartorial rules to follow, no matter how hot it gets:
No flip flops
If you must wear sandals, make sure your feet are presentable.
No shorts
You might think that Bermuda’s are acceptable in a funky PR agency. But you know what? Shorts always look stupid at work.
Don’t forget the deodorant
When it gets hot, people smell. Even you. But on the other hand there is no need to go mad with the Axe effect either.
Hide your bra
Coloured bra straps are not a good look at work.
Not too much cleavage please
It can put a man off his business lunch.
No short skirts
Now that it’s too hot for tights, please make sure your skirt isn’t too short. You may have fabulous legs, but is that all you wanted to get noticed for at work?
Think before you go sleeveless
Vests at work are not a good idea. Save them for the weekend.
Don’t wear your holiday wardrobe to work
What looks good at night in Goa doesn’t look so hot in the bright lights of the office.
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