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PR Grouch’s six reasons to hate Indian summers

Looking forward to a lovely summer?

Good for you. No really, I am not at all bitter about the fun you will have while I will have a summer from hell.

Here’s why I hate this summer:

1. Work

It should be outlawed on hot, sticky days. And turn that air conditioning up!

2. The commute

Anyone who has travelled in a packed metro or monorail knows why this is hell.

3. Other people are having fun

When I got out at lunch time, for my paltry 15-minute breath of “fresh” Mumbai air, all I can see are people in shorts and summer clothes having fun. Sitting in AC comfort guzzling ‘Parsi cuisine’ at Soda Bottle Opener Wala!. Obviously NOT working. It isn’t fair.

4. Holiday tales

No, I don’t want to know what a fabulous time you have just had at the Munnar hills. Please put those holiday snaps away before I tear them out of your hands and rip them up.

5. Holiday expense

The kids are off school and are demanding money for outings every day. Not only is this expensive, I am jealous!

6. Holiday angst

When I do get to take my week off, there is the agonising decision of where to go. We don’t want to invest thousands of rupees (which is what family holidays cost these days) for something that isn’t perfect. And what if the flights are cancelled, or the accommodation is awful and the kids get sick? Who will get the blame? Me, of course.

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