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How to use NFTs' for creative communication: A Friday Zone special session

In the lastest Friday Zone, we cover the potential of the metaverse for communicators.

Shubhreet Kaur, director, Innovation + Creative, Hill+Knowlton Strategies India, commented that,  "Coming specifically to communications as a whole, the metaverse will be a further extension wherever it fits into the communication objectives. For example, a product launches or virtual press event. The Metaverse will be a part of the communications landscape, then it's that in itself has seen such a transformation."

Special Session: Omar Kabbani, creative director , Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Outlining the fundamentals of storytelling in the metaverse, Kabbani termed it as story living rather than storytelling, "I  will change the word storytelling to story living, when you immerse yourself and into this platform, you start experiencing it live, it's more a story living"

Commenting on how NFTs are being used in the metaverse, Kabbani stated, "They created a hyper-realistic virtual world where you can scan yourself, and your avatar becomes your real avatar, a hyper-realistic avatar. And it's very, very interesting how you can sell your own avatar as an NFT."

Elaborating further on how NFTs are being used, Kabbani said, "I think it's interesting for for a designer or for a design entrepreneur or for any creative in our field to take advantage of this technology. Because it's the future especially it's empowers creatives, especially with the smart contract inside the NFT. Like whenever you buy any artwork, any T-shirt, any virtual shoes, you can still sell it and you can still get a percentage out of it. And this is this empowers the creative."

NFT and CSR 

Kabbani also saud, "Plenty of NFT drops have CSR costs, the, let's say tend to part of their sales goes to charity. 

And this is one of the perks as a utility, I'm going to call it -others are creating more experiences. You can enter a restaurant just by showing let's say your board a NFT. Or you can enter a nightclub showing your NFT. So there are perks, and people are getting creative with that. So it's really it's open. It's open ended, people can create anything, and it's new. That's why there's no certain rules. There's no certain roadmap. Basically,  Metaverse is a virgin world is like everything is new, and whatever you do is something new to this world."

Do watch the full interview below:

In partnership with Hill+Knowlton Strategies.

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