LinkedIn as a Strategic PR Channel in 2025 PRmoment Leaders

Comms, Policy Affairs should integrate, structural, skill barriers remain, Speyside CEO Ian Herbison on the PRmoment Podcast

With the sweeping changes wrought by digital, policymaking has been faced with challenges at a fast pace.

India itself, since the post-liberalisation phase in the early '90s, has seen hectic policymaking at a scale quite unprecedented in a modern democracy. This has included apart from privatisation and economic reforms; deep reforms to the tax system, family inheritance law, and corporate law as well as CSR contributions and rights for the LGBTQAI community and support for the right to abortion.

In the middle of this modern PR was born in India and has evolved steadily. But, quite separately from policy affairs. But as increasingly community stakeholders get prominent voices via social media, an intersection of communications and policy affairs is desirable. 

In the latest PRmoment podcast Ian Herbison, CEO, Speyside speaks with PRmoment editor, Paarul Chand about the future of policy affairs, its integration with communications, why regulation matters for the gaming sector, skills needed for modern policy affairs and what keeps him resilient as a leader. Listen in.

The episode covered:

1) 1 minute in: Policy Affairs in the wake of economic realisation in India.

2) At 4 minutes: The integration of communications and policy affairs

3) At 6 minutes: Skills needed for integration

4) At 7.53 minutes: Why the gaming sector is an example of integrated communication and policy affairs approach

5) At 11 minutes: Policy Affairs with regard to centre-state relations

6) at 14 minutes: Sectors that require policy affairs advocacy

7) at 17 minutes: Ian's tip to stay resilient as a leader

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