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Sex Tech makes you aware, comms around it educates PRmoment Health Communications Review

PRmoment's weekly 'Healthcare Communications Review' column looks at the biggest healthcare trends every week and analyses the communications implications. In partnership with SPAG, A Finn Partners Company.

In India as well as globally there is a rising tide of sex tech products for women, many of them pioneered by women themselves.

As per Frost and Sullivan, the femtech market overall is expected to be 50 billion dollars by 2025. These include everything from breast pumps to period trackers and vibrators controlled by phone apps.

Globally, sex tech has not received the priority that similar products for men might.

And sex tech matters, not just for prioritising female pleasure but also health and well-being. Ensuring attention to the health and well-being of half the world requires communication. Communication is the secret sauce that will ensure greater empowerment for women and greater agency over their bodies.

Pranay Jivrajka, Founder & CEO, of Allo Health , “Traditionally, women do not pay much attention to their physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, a heavily taboo topic like sexual wellness is completely ignored in most cases due to the lack of awareness, inaccurate information, and social stigma. As a result, many underlying physical issues that may negatively affect women's sexual lives are unknown to or misunderstood by them. At the onset of the Fem-Tech and Sex-Tech revolution enabled by digitisation, many companies are addressing the lack of dialogue around sexual wellness through an array of solutions for enhancing women's healthcare delivery in a variety of areas, including reproductive and sexual health. 

Today, we are witnessing numerous game-changing tech-based companies delivering effective medical interventions through app-based doctor consultations, education through products and services, and at-home diagnostics. In the context of sexual wellbeing, these technological interventions are not only helping women overcome the shame, humiliation and concerns associated with sex but also helping us build a sex-positive society by demystifying sexual taboos and misconceptions through evidence-based care.”

Additionally, what should communicators do to tackle this important topic:

1) Educate people about female sex tech: Many people may not be familiar with the concept of female sex tech. Take the time to educate people about what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers. You can use infographics, videos, and other visual aids to help explain the concepts.

2) Use inclusive language: It's important to use language that is inclusive and welcoming to all women. Avoid using language that excludes certain groups, and make sure that your communication is accessible to people with different backgrounds and experiences.

3) Collaborate with influencers: Sex-positive Influencers can help you reach a wider audience and lend credibility to your message. Look for influencers who are passionate about women's sexual health and pleasure, and who are willing to help spread the word about female sex tech.

Here is a helpful list of sex-positive influencers brought out by the Child Help India Foundation.

News of the week

1) Call a drone for medicine in the hills. 

2) How Kapil Dev bowled diabetes over.

3) Under 30 and want to buy health insurance. Here is how.

Call out of the week

Less than a month left before the early bird deadline for PRmoment Health Comms Awards 2023. Do apply here.

That's it for this week. Special thanks to SPAG, a FINN Partner company for their ongoing support for this weekly column.

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