Continuing with PRmoment India's bi monthly series, 'My First Job in PR', we speak to Confiance's Bushra Ismail. A young entrepreneur she talks about her journey in PR ahead of International Women's Day.
PRmoment India: What was your first job in PR?

Bushra Ismail: I was hired at Perfect Relations as an assistant manager in 2011. That was my first ever stint in PR and I am so thankful that I started big and got to work with and learn from the best. I still remember being totally awestruck by Dilip (Cherian) sir when I was chosen to work directly with him for a project that he wanted a few "bright newcomers" for. It was a glorious opportunity for me as a beginner and I tried to soak up as much as I could. Also, during my stint with Perfect, I got a lot of exposure working with mega brands such as Google, and Turkish Airlines.
PRmoment India: What did you do with your first salary and how much was it?
Bushra Ismail: I don’t remember the exact amount but I am certain it was under 35K. I used it to pay my rent and for other expenses, as I have been living on my own and been financially independent since I was 20 years old. So most salaries in the early years of my career have been spent in managing personal expenses and contributing towards my family.
PRmoment India: One lesson from your first job you still carry?
Bushra Ismail: I learnt so much from my first job in PR that it would be hard to single out one lesson. Having said that, one of the senior leadership once told us "If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well" and that has stuck with me over the years.
PRmoment India: Your biggest dream then?
Bushra Ismail: I have always wanted to excel at anything I do so I believe even back then, I must have wanted to make my mark in the communications industry and be recognised for my contribution to it. This is what I dream of even today! :-)
PRmoment India: One PR tool or lesson you remember from then?
Bushra Ismail: I learnt that being able to present your work and achievements externally or even internally is nearly as important as doing the work itself, especially since our profession is all about perception building. Hence, I am very thorough and extensive when it comes to reporting the work and wins to clients and even within the organisation.
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