LinkedIn as a Strategic PR Channel in 2025 PRmoment Leaders

4 new skills required for the new post COVID PR world

With the pandemic redefining marketing communication is now strongly entering around digital.

The brands who have had a great SOV during these times were the ones who adapted to these changes and started creating content to continue engagement with their existing customers or acquire new prospects be it through webinars, newsletters or engaging with them through social media where traditional PR strategy shifted towards the digital PR strategy. When the  lockdown first began, social media consumption increased by 35% as people had more disposable time in hand.

With the recent Google Core update to its algorithm, your own website content will play a major role in driving traffic in comparison to 3rd party back links. 

So what skills can one adopt in these circumstances? Here is a quick check list:

  1. Social Media Marketing: In today’s scenario, the coverage of a brand on any social media platform is key. But it should be within the parameters of public sensitivity. The need of the hour is consumer friendly content which focuses on being in sync with the audience.
  2. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is like publishing an ad in the newspaper with the only difference that it's not too in your face. There are higher chances of building an intent to buy because of the credibility it builds. The way consumers trust the truth presented by the influencers they follow, it will become imperative to keep it in your communication mix than the brand just talking about its new launches and features. Also, you get to leverage on their individual reach.
  3. Leadership  and  empathy skills: As teams are working remotely, leaders need both empathy and leadership skills to manage and keep them motivated. When the employees and customers feel the care of their leaders, they too reciprocate the feeling towards their leaders & brands. 
  4. Video Marketing: Video content consumption grew to 4 hours per day per user compared to 1.5 hours before the lockdown. With more people watching videos than ever, how can marketers not include this in their strategy. Brands should engage in relevant video content for better recognition in the eyes of consumers be it through video ads, content or even influencers creating video content for them.

Siddharth Khanna is CEO and co-founder, Brand Visage Communications

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