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Tanishq asks customers to submit designs for its Mia range of Jewellery and wins Great PR

Tanishq asks consumers to submit designs for its Mia range of Jewellery

Crowdsourcing seems to have become the go to mantra for brands that want to generate a bit of buzz. After Maybelline and baby lips balm, Tanishq has been running a two month long campaign that asks women to submit their own designs for the Mia range of jewellery.

Called 'Mia My Expressions 2' the campaign will make jewellery from the top 10 entrants and will also award Rs 1,00,000/- to winners.

The microsite has stated that the contest has received over 10,000 entries in the last 2 months.

While the concept of crowdsourcing has seen some great ideas; such as Pepsi making posters out of live fan tweets, it seems now crowdsourcing content is becoming a bit dull and predictable. Very soon, plain vanilla crowdsourcing drives are not going to make it to Great PR.

Bookseller Waterstones pokes fun at drone delivery idea and gains PR

This one is a great take down that generates miles of free publicity as well. According to the Telegraph, in response to Amazon's founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos unveiling plans for Amazon Prime Air which allows the online retailer to use unmanned drones to deliver small packages, Waterstones have announced a hilarious OWL delivery service of their own!

The bookseller has published a video on their official YouTube page, introducing the Harry Potter-esque Ornithological Waterstones Landing Service, known as O.W.L.S.

The video is hilarious. Waterstones PR manager Jon “Owls” says that, “O.W.L.S. consists of a fleet of specially trained owls that, either working individually or as an adorable team, will be able to deliver your package within thirty minutes of you placing your order.”

But don’t actually go ordering any books using O.W.L.S because as Waterstones puts it: “Putting O.W.L.S. into commercial use will take a number of years as it takes ages to train owls to do anything and we only just thought of it this morning!”

Now this is what a PR stunt should be like. Relevant, witty, takes down a self-important Goliath, what’s not to like and write about!

Have you seen any great or even bad PR?

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