LinkedIn as a Strategic PR Channel in 2025 PRmoment Leaders PRmoment PR Masterclass: The intersection of data, planning and measurement

How can Brands in India Engage with Millennials

Location: Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi
Organiser: PRmoment India Events
Price: 2500 Rupees per delegate

Conference Location: IIMC  Indian Institute of Mass Communication JNU new campus, Aruna Asif Ali Road, New Delhi - 11006

If you have problems booking this conference, or require further information please email 


As this is PRmoment India’s first ever conference we have no recommendations as yet. However we do have some from a couple of our UK delegates. The India conference is based on the UK model we have tried and tested. 

I love PRmoment events. They’re perfectly formed, tackling important issues, with excellent content and speakers. The set-up is great – a full morning of quality presentations, a bit of networking and you’re back in the office with half the day still left. And the speakers are strong – a combination of ‘big names’ and new faces. I’ve stopped looking at the topic and line-up now, I just book. Because I know that attending a PR Moment event will be a morning well spent. Highly recommended.

Richard Fogg, Managing Director, CCGroup


9:00am Registration and informal networking

Chairperson’s Introduction
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment

9:30am Microsoft’s Integrated Communications Approach to Target Millenials
Gayatri Rath, Director Corporate Communications & Citizenship, Microsoft 
  • The communications mix of broadcast, digital, social and print media that Microsoft use to engage with millenials
  • How Microsoft is prioritising mobile as a channel in India
  • How Microsoft is using technology to engage with a consumer audience

A journalist’s perspective: What stories appeal to millennials?
Gopal Sathe, NDTV - Has also worked with the Features Desk, Mint- WSJ

  • What kind of content do journalists look for from brands that would appeal to millennials?
  • Case studies: Stories that worked for the millenial generation
  • Understanding the changing face of the media – balancing opinion based content with serious stories
  • How are millennials using social and mobile media to read, share and engage with stories?

Learning to listen in to what the millennials are saying – a research based approach
Dr. Ranjit Nair, CEO, Germin8

  • What distinguishes millennials from non-millennials?
  • What are their opinions, what kind of content do they look for?
  • What kind of social channels and apps do they use?
  • Case studies about millennial engagement with social media

Tea, coffee and networking break


Introducing Generation C: How Google’s brand values attract Gen C
Paroma Chowdhury, Director & Country Head, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Google

  • What is Generation C?
  • Why do Generation C have a creative mind-set
  • Why are Generation C important to Google
  • How millenials make up 80% of Generation C
11:45am Leveraging trends to create impactful PR properties
Deepa Thomas, Head - Corporate Communications, eBay
  • Why communications need to be at the intersection of insight data and content
  • How eBay identify ecommerce trends such as shopping habits and popular categories to create PR properties
  • How The eBay Census creates engagement: A 13 states simultaneous launch
  • What PR properties do eBay produce to support brand and ecommerce?”

Case study - The India Elections: The biggest digital PR exercise in the world – ever!
Mahesh Murthy, Founder, Pinstorm 

  • The comparison of paid media versus earned media during the India Elections
  • How earned media is having a greater impact than paid media on voter behaviour
  • The lessons of managing reputation online
  • The impact of social media and the comparative impact of Twitter and Facebook
  • What KPIs are being used in digital media for this election campaign
12:45pm Case Study: How Coca Cola engage with young people in India through the Coke Studio program
Deepak Jolly, Vice President - Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola India  
  • How Coca Cola is using music to celebrate the diversity of India
  • Why the Coke Studio program uses youth ambassadors to create a focus for engagement
  • Which social channels most effectively engage young people?
  • What type of content does Coke Studio create?
  • Why the use of video has been important for Coke Studio

Chairperson closing remarks
Ben Smith, Founder, PRmoment

A light buffet lunch and informal networking will follow the conference.